How to Run a data scraping workload on AWS EKS and visualize using Grafana

Amlan Chakladar
May 13, 2022


This post is my solution walkthrough for the bonus Acloud guru challenge from the Cloud resume book by Forrest Brazeal. The book can be found Here. This challenge is a good learning path for deploying workloads on Kubernetes cluster and spinning up a Kubernetes cluster. This post will describe how I completed the challenge and my approach towards the challenge solution. My challenge solution provides a good learning experience for these technologies:

  • Kubernetes and deploying to Kubernetes
  • App Development (I used Python but in theory it can be anything)
  • Data analysis and visualization using Prometheus and Grafana

For more details visit:



Amlan Chakladar
Amlan Chakladar

Written by Amlan Chakladar

Cloud architect and DevOps engineer. Love to code and develop new stuff. A nerd by nature.

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